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notre dame montreal


14 September 2003


Dear Lord,  give us grace as you gave the first disciples, to recognise you for who you really are. May our hearts expand to seek to become like your heart, open and compassionate, may our minds be stretched to comprehend your truth and wisdom.
Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

Lord Jesus we thank you for your earthly ministry and the example which you gave through your willingness to endure suffering. As you put the needs of others before your own comfort, so we pray, enable us to think and act in ways which overcome our own selfishness. Open our eyes to see ways in which we may serve you in the needs of others.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

This morning we pray for our world which is distressed in so many ways. We are mindful of the lack of peace across the Middle East and the deep pain which is caused by the continual killing. We pray for those who suffer as a result of human greed, religious bigotry and the hatred and intolerance of others. So we pray for all of those engaged in the work of peace. Be with those who negotiate for peace, give courage to those called upon to fight for peace, especially we ask that you would cure all our hearts that we might learn to live in peace.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray for the church for our Chair of District Anne, for our Diocesan Bishop Christopher and our Suffragan Bishops Richard and Christopher. We seek you blessing upon the work of your churches here at St Mark's and Putnoe Heights. Give us such a love of you that we might desire to see your kingdom grow. Help us to expect you to change us and make us more like you. Lead us in your ways and challenge our values and assumptions and the way we think. May your church be recognised by its confession of you as our Lord.  Amen.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray for those who are troubled in body, mind or spirit. We remember those who are called upon to care for them in different ways, for professional doctors, nurses and carers and for family members who may become overwhelmed by fatigue. Give to to those who suffer a knowledge of your love and may they know your salvation.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

we pray for those who have suffered bereavement and remember before God those who have died. We remember that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope, we remember  N.....

Lord Jesus you are light and in you we see light


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.